When you are a piano enthusiast and you would want to make your songs a lot better than they already are, it won’t be long before you would want to know how to add effects to your electric piano using guitar pedals. It just takes connecting the guitar deal to your piano as there are sockets where you can connect them.
After that, you can use your creativity in thinking of guitar sounds that would make your piano songs awesome. Yes, it will take a bit of time to think about all the possibilities when this happens, you can take it as a sign that it is meant to be.
Believe it or not, a lot of artists did this in the past and they came up with such great songs. It would be no surprise if more would do it in the future so that more hit songs would be made. Perhaps, the best example of this would be Stevie Wonder as he produced a nice song using this very same method.
In addition, you would want to know the style of music that you will want to play so that you can produce songs that will be memorable a few years from now. It would fee great to add effects as you will feel motivated to make even more songs when the time is right.

There is nothing wrong with getting inspiration from past songs when it comes to making new ones. After all, a lot of people have already done it. As long as you think you will come up with something worth listening to, then you should just do it out of the blue.
It is important to take the effects into consideration when writing new songs as you will want to put the effects at the right time. That would be a lot better compared to doing nothing at all for the rest of your life. You would feel great about being able to do something useful during the quarantine.
In fact, most artists would experiment with sounds first before incorporating the lyrics into the songs. It is not that hard to make the lyrics as it is something that you will want to get used to when it would be time to take aim at the prize of being pretty famous at the end. You will be proud of yourself for what you accomplished but you wake up and the dream is over. Loren Gold is another keyboardist who uses amazing effects for the Who. Needless to say, it resulted in nothing but success for the band.
If you are someone looking to make it big in this industry, this is seriously something you would want to consider. After all, you will want to lay claim to being the best piano artist of all time. If that is not your goal, then you should not be here. Everyone wants to be the best but only a few can lay claim to something like that.

Mike is a musician and teacher. He teaches various schools and workshops. He also offers online classes.